πŸ›οΈ Governance Β· Sushi
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πŸ›οΈ Governance


SushiSwap is governed by its community, which participates in forum discussions and votes on proposals on the SushiSwap Snapshot. Only proposals posted to the Snapshot voting system by the CORE team can be considered binding if passed with a quorum.

The community votes on major DAO structural changes, tokenomics, and the use of the devfund wallet. In contrast, the core team handles organizational operations and changes in the SushiSwap protocol, as mandated in the following proposal:


Any use of the devfund wallet requires that the Treasury Council Multisig members sign it as directed by the community via a successful proposal and Snapshot vote outlined in the DAO's foundation rulebook. There must be at least 4 out of 6 signatures to approve a transaction.

The Multisig members are trusted crypto industry members, and the community votes for the active signers via Snapshot.

Any changes within the core team's purview must pass the Operations Multisig with at least three signatures.

Our long-term goal is to establish a DAO with working, trustless governance. We welcome positive discourse from community members on progressing our governance model by participating in our forums and the #governance channel of the SushiSwap Discord.


Any community member is welcome to post a proposal on our forums. When you create a thread, please follow the template shown so prospective voters can easily read through the proposals. If you want a poll added to your thread, please contact a core or community team member.

If your proposal gains enough traction, the core team will bring it up for voting on our Snapshot voting platform. The community will vote with SUSHIPOWAH to decide the outcome.

Our Snapshot voting platform can be found here, where all Sushi proposals are housed.

SUSHIPOWAH is our voting metric and is decided as follows:

Each $SUSHI in the SUSHI-ETH pool is worth 2 SUSHIPOWAH.

Each $SUSHI held via xSUSHI tokens is worth 1 SUSHIPOWAH.

A vote must gain a quorum of at least 5 million SUSHIPOWAH to pass and become binding.

Please note: To be an eligible voter for any proposal on our Snapshot, you must have SUSHIPOWAH from any or all of the three above options when the vote starts. This means that you cannot simply buy $SUSHI tokens to vote on an already ongoing vote, and is intended to reduce the risk of influence by whales and flashloaners.