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The StablePool is similar to solidly style pools that provide liquidity in very concentrated positions, and meant for pairs that are 1:1 to each other. The StablePool implements the Trident interface, and uses BentoBox as the central vault for storing tokens.

The contract is responsible for all pair logic including: liquidity provision, swapping, and rebalancing the pair.

The full contract can be found here

Read-Only Functions


function updateBarParameters() public;

Updates barFee and barFeeTo for Trident protocol. This function fetches the current values of barFee and barFeeTo from the masterDeployer contract and updates the local copies of these parameters.


This function has no modifiers.


This function does not emit any events.


function getAmountOut(bytes calldata data) public view override returns (uint256 finalAmountOut);

Calculates the amount of output tokens that can be obtained for a given amount of input tokens.

  • The data parameter is used to specify the input token and the amount of the input token.
  • The function returns the amount of the output token that can be obtained.


databytesEncoded data that specifies the input token and the amount of the input token.


finalAmountOutuint256The amount of the output token that can be obtained.


  • InvalidInputToken: This error is thrown if the input token specified is not one of the tokens in the liquidity pool.


This function is marked as a view, which means it doesn't modify the contract state.


function getAssets() public view returns (address[] memory assets);

Returns the addresses of the tokens in the pool.


assetsaddress[]The addresses of the tokens in the pool.


This function is marked as a view, which means it doesn't modify the contract state.


function skim() public nonReentrant;

Transfers the balances of the tokens in the pool to the owner of the masterDeployer.


  • nonReentrant: This modifier prevents reentrancy attacks.


This function does not emit any events.


function getReserves() public view returns (uint256 _reserve0, uint256 _reserve1);

Returns the reserves of the tokens in the pool.


_reserve0uint256The reserve of the first token in the pool.
_reserve1uint256The reserve of the second token in the pool.


This function is marked as a view, which means it doesn't modify the contract state.


function getNativeReserves() public view returns (uint256 _nativeReserve0, uint256 _nativeReserve1);

Returns the reserves of the tokens in the pool.


_nativeReserve0uint256The reserve of the first token in the pool.
_nativeReserve1uint256The reserve of the second token in the pool.


This function is marked as a view, which means it doesn't modify the contract state.

State-Changing Functions


function mint(bytes calldata data) public override nonReentrant returns (uint256 liquidity);

Mints liquidity provider (LP) tokens to the specified recipient. This function should be called via the router after transferring the bento tokens. The router must ensure that sufficient LP tokens are minted by using the return value of this function.

  • The function requires that the contract is not currently in the middle of a reentrant call.
  • The data parameter is used to specify the recipient of the newly minted LP tokens.


databytesEncoded data that specifies the recipient of the newly minted LP tokens.


liquidityuint256The amount of LP tokens minted.


  • InvalidAmounts: This error is thrown if either of the amounts to be deposited into the liquidity pool is zero.
  • InsufficientLiquidityMinted: This error is thrown if the function failed to mint any LP tokens.


event Mint(address indexed sender, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, address indexed to);

This event is emitted when new LP tokens are minted. The sender is the address of the entity that initiated the minting process, amount0 and amount1 are the amounts of the two tokens that were added to the liquidity pool, and to is the address of the recipient of the newly minted LP tokens.


modifier nonReentrant();

This modifier requires that the contract is not currently in the middle of a reentrant call.


function burn(bytes calldata data) public override nonReentrant returns (IPool.TokenAmount[] memory withdrawnAmounts);

Burns liquidity provider (LP) tokens sent to this contract and returns the underlying assets to the specified recipient. The router must ensure that the user receives a sufficient amount of output tokens.

  • The function requires that the contract is not currently in the middle of a reentrant call.
  • The data parameter is used to specify the recipient of the underlying assets and a boolean flag indicating whether to unwrap the bento box tokens.


databytesEncoded data that specifies the recipient of the underlying assets and a boolean flag indicating whether to unwrap the bento box tokens.


withdrawnAmountsIPool.TokenAmount[]Array containing information about the tokens and the amounts that have been withdrawn.


event Burn(address indexed sender, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, address indexed to);

This event is emitted when LP tokens are burned. The sender is the address of the entity that initiated the burning process, amount0 and amount1 are the amounts of the two tokens that were withdrawn from the liquidity pool, and to is the address of the recipient of the withdrawn tokens.


modifier nonReentrant();

This modifier requires that the contract is not currently in the middle of a reentrant call.


function burnSingle(bytes calldata data) public override nonReentrant returns (uint256 amountOut);

Burns liquidity provider (LP) tokens sent to this contract and returns a single type of underlying asset to the specified recipient. The router must ensure that the user receives a sufficient amount of output tokens.

  • The function requires that the contract is not currently in the middle of a reentrant call.
  • The data parameter is used to specify the type of token to be withdrawn, the recipient of the underlying assets, and a boolean flag indicating whether to unwrap the bento box tokens.


databytesEncoded data that specifies the type of token to be withdrawn, the recipient of the underlying assets, and a boolean flag indicating whether to unwrap the bento box tokens.


amountOutuint256The amount of the token that has been withdrawn.


  • InvalidOutputToken: This error is thrown if the output token specified is not one of the tokens in the liquidity pool.


event Burn(address indexed sender, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, address indexed to);

This event is emitted when LP tokens are burned. The sender is the address of the entity that initiated the burning process, amount0 and amount1 are the amounts of the two tokens that were withdrawn from the liquidity pool, and to is the address of the recipient of the withdrawn tokens.


modifier nonReentrant();

This modifier requires that the contract is not currently in the middle of a reentrant call.


function swap(bytes calldata data) public override nonReentrant returns (uint256 amountOut);

Swaps one token for another. The router must prefund this contract and ensure there isn't too much slippage.

  • The function requires that the contract is not currently in the middle of a reentrant call.
  • The data parameter is used to specify the input token, the recipient of the output tokens, and a boolean flag indicating whether to unwrap the bento box tokens.


databytesEncoded data that specifies the input token, the recipient of the output tokens, and a boolean flag indicating whether to unwrap the bento box tokens.


amountOutuint256The amount of the output token that has been swapped.


  • InvalidInputToken: This error is thrown if the input token specified is not one of the tokens in the liquidity pool.


event Swap(address indexed to, address indexed tokenIn, address indexed tokenOut, uint256 amountIn, uint256 amountOut);

This event is emitted when a token swap occurs. The to is the address of the recipient of the output tokens, tokenIn and tokenOut are the addresses of the input and output tokens, respectively, and amountIn and amountOut are the amounts of the input and output tokens, respectively.


modifier nonReentrant();

This modifier requires that the contract is not currently in the middle of a reentrant call.